Today's Tweetchat on genetics features AN25K and Charlotte's Helix

If you've never watched or participated in a Tweetchat then this is your lucky day! Join the party in four hours wherever you are. I'll be there to answer questions about Charlotte's Helix and I'm looking forward to Dr. Cynthia Bulik and Gerome Breen (otherwise known as +Cynthia Bulik and +Gerome Breen) making genetics "approachable" and learning more about the potential of the AN25K initiative.

You'll recognize other names as well, like @edbites and @aedweb.

I know not everyone gets as excited as I do over this topic, but I believe you WOULD if you knew just how much is happening now and in the near future.

If you don't "tweet" and think "tweetchat" sounds like the beginning of a tongue twister please drop by anyway? You can just watch, and it doesn't require any special skills. I'd sure appreciate the support!


"Making Eating Disorders Genetics Approachable & Meaningful: What are ANGI, AN25K and Charlotte's Helix?"

Monday, December 16
12 pm EST


Breen, Charlotte's 


with Cynthia M. Bulik, PhD, FAED of the UNC Center for Excellence in Eating Disorders and Gerome Breen, PhD, Senior Lecturer, MRC SGDP Centre & Theme Lead for Bioresource and Genomics at NIHR Biomedical Research Centre, IOP, KCL; And Special Guests: Laura Collins and Charlotte's Helix
Moderators:  Bridget WhitlowLMFTLauren Mulheim, PsyD, CEDS and Evelyn Tribole, MS, RD
Genes do not act alone. Join this discussion on the role that DNA/genes and environment play in the risk of eating disorders.


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