Baltimore medication research trial

Another treatment research trial under way:

"Johns Hopkins researchers are conducting a placebo-controlled trial to examine the effectiveness of a research medication in the treatment of adults with anorexia nervosa. Participants will be offered 16 weeks of medication (active or inactive) and weekly outpatient medical monitoring by a psychiatrist. The treatment will be provided at no cost. To participate, you must 1) have anorexia nervosa, 2) be 18-55 years old 3) be medically stable for outpatient treatment 4) complete assessments (interviews, questionnaires, and medical evaluations) at intervals throughout the 16-week study and at 1- and 2-month follow-ups. All information gathered will remain confidential.
For more information call Linda Ryan at(410)-955-3863 or email at

Angela Guarda M.D. IRB application: NA_00032632


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