How good a parent do you need to be to "do Maudsley?"

My favorite criticism of Family-Based Maudsley therapy is that it can only work with nearly perfect families.

It is a perfect criticism, because I've never met that family.

Families that "do Maudsley" successfully are not perfect, and families that are darn near perfect are not necessarily going to be Maudsley success stories.

It takes a real change of thinking to accept the Family-Based Maudsley approach, so lets give the skeptics some time to think. Meanwhile, if your child is ill now -- feel free to keep seeking an experienced family-based practice and let them tell you why you are or are not a good candidate.

Carpenters feel good about nails. School nurses have great band-aids. Therapists with our child's life in their hands should at least be expert in the tools of the trade.

Unless you're actually not perfect. In that case, you are on your own.


  1. If a therapist told me that they wouldn't recommmend Maudsley/Family Based Therapy because my family was less than perfect, I'd ask two questions.
    1. How is my family any different from the families involved in the Maudsley hospital studies that experienced such a high rate of success? Were they nearly perfect?
    2. If my loved one is not going to be refed in the context of the family, then who is going to refeed her, and what are the consequences if she's not refed?


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