World Eating Disorder Day is HERE!

It's a big day here at our house, because this is World Eating Disorders Day and I am joining all the thousands of advocates around the world who care about eating disorders as we SHOUT to the world that eating disorders are important, treatable disorders and that we need public awareness and evidence-based treatment.

We need early identification and intervention.

We need community support.

We need the treatment providers and family carers supported, too, in their vital responsiblities.

We need to believe in recovery and fight for every single patient's rights to caring and individualized and evidence-guided treatment and support.

It is SO EXCITING to be part of a global moment that illustrates what many people are doing all year: speaking up about eating disorders.

No stigma, no silence, no apologies, my friends!

If you want to help, for a few minutes or hours or all year, email me now and I will respond. Tell me what you want to do and I'll help you find information and coach you through it. Want to start a Twitter account? Want to write to your elected officials? Want to mail something to a treatment provider? Want to know how to help a family member? Want to educate your co-workers?

I am going to wear out my keyboard today!!

Email me at LAURA@FEAST-ED.ORG and let me help you help WEDD!


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