NIMH, Cindy Bulik, and first name basis

My age-inappropriate blue streak notwithstanding, the NIMH meeting last Friday was a terrific event. Cindy Bulik, one of the invited speakers, sets the scene well, even the floor plan, in a moving blog post on the experience.

It is such an honor to represent F.E.A.S.T. in this setting and to see eating disorders be featured during this one. I enjoy learning from other mental health advocates and their work, and getting news on research and practice. I came home with a page of scrawled notes to follow up on.

Lovely lunch with Eating Disorders Coalition Policy Director, Jeanine Cogan, too.

Thank you, Dr. Bulik, for the presentation, the shout out to advocates, the mention of Charlotte's Helix, and for describing it all so well!

P.S. Charlotte, you'd be pleased to know that Cindy had a slide with your picture during her presentation, so you finally did made it to Washington DC. And "Tom" was glad to hear of the Helix project and I gave him one of the flyers and thanked him for helping inspire it with a comment in the previous meeting right before I flew to see you. Oh, and he was too polite to point out my iridescent hair streak.... I meant to tell him why, but forgot!
P.P.S. I'm not sure when I will be able to stop talking to you in my head. Not soon it seems. Good job you don't argue back!


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