Hear yourselves

I have had the honor of chatting by phone with several families this week for the audio recovery stories at the F.E.A.S.T. site. They are from 5 minutes to 20 minutes and will make you cheer, laugh, and sometimes cry... I did.

"You would never know that she had been ill" A mother describes the recovery of her 15-year old female ballet dancing daughter with anorexia (AN-P) - US Gulf Coast

"We worked as a team" Mother describes a daughter who as a college student developed depression, anorexia, and bulimia going on to recovery after several years with help of family and nutrition and supportive therapist. US Midwest

"To see her personality come back and blossom was an unbelievable blessing for us" A mother describes a 22-year old daughter with anorexia coming home to recover, fully, After 4+ years of grave illness. SE Wisconsin, US

"Mom, I'm not stupid. It's not going to happen to me." A mother of a daughter with anorexia describes her then 13-year old daughter wanting to 'eat healthy' and progressing to anorexia and compulsive exercise. , mother emphasizes role of nutrition, early intervention, good clinicians, hard work. Michigan, US.

"All of a sudden she didn't want cheese on her hamburger" A mother in Oregon (US) describes her teen daughter's recovery and preparation for college.

"We're here for you whether you want us or not. We're not giving up on you." A mother and father describe their daughter's recovery from EDNOS. Boston area, US.


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