Parents supporting parents

I believe in peer support. The ideal is a choice of support options in one's community, but that is a rare luxury - especially if the situation you are facing only touches a small percentage of the population.

Online forums have increasingly taken their place among the tools patients and their families draw on for support and information. Moderated and unmoderated, sometimes weird, often wonderful, and unfortunately at times the only peer resource for isolated families, online forums are a growing movement in information sharing and community.

PDHeart for parents of pediatric heart disease
Aspergers and autism
Pediatric oncology forums for parents
Children's Liver Disease
Child bipolar illness
And the best news of all: places like the University of Chicago Eating Disorder program researching online support for parents in Family-Based Treatment.

And of course, there is the "Around The Dinner Table" Forum for parents of eating disorder patients.


  1. Today I heard about an online support group that I think is unique--and I wondered if it might be another resource for stressed families doing home refeeding or for helping out in other ways. It's a great idea.

  2. Anne - THANK YOU for that link. I am so impressed by that idea and I can see it being a model for similar programs elsewhere and I can really see it being used for AN. WOW. I love it.

  3. Support forums are essential. Thanks for posting the one about Around the Dinner Table.


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