Maudsley for bulimia, too

"Well, it doesn't work for everyone" seems to be an almost reflexive phrase for clinicians who don't understand family-based Maudsley therapy. It is meant to disparage and condescend, surely, since: no one said it did, and no other treatments show better results.

Another way Maudsley has been dismissed is by saying it is only researched in adolescents with anorexia.

Good news: there's a new manual for family-based Maudsley therapy for bulimia.

The manual is reviewed in detail in Cris Haltom's monthly newsletter for parents and in Doris Smeltzer's wonderful blog for parents.

Another approach, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, is also getting research attention.

For an overview of research into bulimia treatment: Treatment of bulimia nervosa: Where are we and where are we going?


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